Triple Struct Reference

Triple [x,y,z]. More...

#include <qwt3d_types.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Triple (double xv=0, double yv=0, double zv=0)
Tripleoperator+= (Triple t)
Tripleoperator-= (Triple t)
Tripleoperator *= (double d)
Tripleoperator/= (double d)
Tripleoperator *= (Triple t)
bool operator!= (Triple t) const
bool operator== (Triple t) const
double length () const
void normalize ()

Public Attributes

double x
double y
double z

Detailed Description

Consider Triples also as vectors in R^3

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Triple ( double  xv = 0,
double  yv = 0,
double  zv = 0 
) [inline, explicit]

Initialize Triple with x,y and z.

Member Data Documentation

double x

Triple coordinates.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Mon Jun 25 18:47:29 2007 for QwtPlot3D API by  doxygen 1.5.1