CoordinateSystem Class Reference

A coordinate system with different styles (BOX, FRAME).

#include <qwt3d_coordsys.h>

Inheritance diagram for CoordinateSystem:

Drawable List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CoordinateSystem (Qwt3D::Triple blb=Qwt3D::Triple(0, 0, 0), Qwt3D::Triple ftr=Qwt3D::Triple(0, 0, 0), Qwt3D::COORDSTYLE=Qwt3D::BOX)
void init (Qwt3D::Triple beg=Qwt3D::Triple(0, 0, 0), Qwt3D::Triple end=Qwt3D::Triple(0, 0, 0))
void setStyle (Qwt3D::COORDSTYLE s, Qwt3D::AXIS frame_1=Qwt3D::X1, Qwt3D::AXIS frame_2=Qwt3D::Y1, Qwt3D::AXIS frame_3=Qwt3D::Z1)
Qwt3D::COORDSTYLE style () const
void setPosition (Qwt3D::Triple first, Qwt3D::Triple second)
void setAxesColor (Qwt3D::RGBA val)
void setNumberFont (QString const &family, int pointSize, int weight=QFont::Normal, bool italic=false)
void setNumberFont (QFont const &font)
void setNumberColor (Qwt3D::RGBA val)
void setStandardScale ()
void adjustNumbers (int val)
void adjustLabels (int val)
void setGridLinesColor (Qwt3D::RGBA val)
void setLabelFont (QString const &family, int pointSize, int weight=QFont::Normal, bool italic=false)
void setLabelFont (QFont const &font)
void setLabelColor (Qwt3D::RGBA val)
void setLineWidth (double val, double majfac=0.9, double minfac=0.5)
void setTicLength (double major, double minor)
void setAutoScale (bool val=true)
Qwt3D::Triple first () const
Qwt3D::Triple second () const
void setAutoDecoration (bool val=true)
bool autoDecoration () const
void setLineSmooth (bool val=true)
bool lineSmooth () const
void draw ()
void setGridLines (bool majors, bool minors, int sides=Qwt3D::NOSIDEGRID)
int grids () const

Public Attributes

std::vector< Axisaxes

Member Function Documentation

void setStyle ( Qwt3D::COORDSTYLE  s,
Qwt3D::AXIS  frame_1 = Qwt3D::X1,
Qwt3D::AXIS  frame_2 = Qwt3D::Y1,
Qwt3D::AXIS  frame_3 = Qwt3D::Z1 

Set style for the coordinate system (NOCOORD, FRAME or BOX).

Qwt3D::COORDSTYLE style (  )  const [inline]

Return style oft the coordinate system.

void setPosition ( Qwt3D::Triple  first,
Qwt3D::Triple  second 

first == front_left_bottom, second == back_right_top

void setAxesColor ( Qwt3D::RGBA  val  ) 

Set common color for all axes

void setNumberFont ( QString const &  family,
int  pointSize,
int  weight = QFont::Normal,
bool  italic = false 

Set common font for all axis numberings.

void setNumberFont ( QFont const &  font  ) 

Set common font for all axis numberings.

void setNumberColor ( Qwt3D::RGBA  val  ) 

Set common color for all axis numberings.

void setStandardScale (  ) 

Sets an linear axis with real number items.

void adjustNumbers ( int  val  ) 

Fine tunes distance between axis numbering and axis body.

void adjustLabels ( int  val  ) 

Fine tunes distance between axis label and axis body.

void setGridLinesColor ( Qwt3D::RGBA  val  )  [inline]

Sets color for the grid lines.

void setLabelFont ( QString const &  family,
int  pointSize,
int  weight = QFont::Normal,
bool  italic = false 

Set common font for all axis labels.

void setLabelFont ( QFont const &  font  ) 

Set common font for all axis labels.

void setLabelColor ( Qwt3D::RGBA  val  ) 

Set common color for all axis labels.

void setLineWidth ( double  val,
double  majfac = 0.9,
double  minfac = 0.5 

Set line width for tic marks and axes.

void setTicLength ( double  major,
double  minor 

Set length for tic marks.

void setAutoScale ( bool  val = true  ) 

Switch autoscaling of axes.

void setLineSmooth ( bool  val = true  )  [inline]

draw smooth axes

bool lineSmooth (  )  const [inline]

smooth axes ?

void setGridLines ( bool  majors,
bool  minors,
int  sides = Qwt3D::NOSIDEGRID 

Defines whether a grid between the major and/or minor tics should be drawn.

The axis used for tic calculation is chosen randomly from the respective pair. For most cases an identical tic distribution is therefore recommended.

majors Draw grid between major tics
minors Draw grid between minor tics
sides Side(s), where the grid should be drawn

int grids (  )  const [inline]

Returns grids switched on.

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<Axis> axes

The vector of all12 axes - use them to set axis properties individually.

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Generated on Mon Jun 25 18:47:28 2007 for QwtPlot3D API by  doxygen 1.5.1